Coffee to Chamomile ☕
Learnings, teachings and tips for you to reference as you dig deeper into your personal growth journey.

What a holistic approach to mental health looks like

The Food and Mood Connection

6 Steps for Shadow Work + An Example

3 P’s to predict your resilience
Each of the 3 P’s can help us predict our own resiliency through a difficult situation. Learn practical strategies to push back on each one in the post.

17 signs of a narcissistic family structure
Learn how to identify a narcissistic family structure and how it shows up between family members. The first steps towards healing are included at the bottom of the post. – Asma

Naming your season
I go over my own framework for the five life seasons we experience in this post: rest, test, giving, growth, and blessed. Find out the signs to look for in each season and which actions are most helpful.

What do self-sabotaging habits look like?
Ever wonder why you feel stuck even after you’ve set goals for yourself? In this detailed breakdown, you’ll learn how self-sabotage can show up in a variety of ways (over 20!) and practical steps to overcome habits we can all fall into from time to time.

The cheapest form of therapy
FInd a list of prompts inside to help you get started on morning pages!