Continuing with the Planning For Your Personality series, find examples 7-9 inside this post!–✨Asma
Continuing with the Planning For Your Personality series, find examples 4-6 inside this post! –✨Asma
In this series, find out which sections will be most helpful to include in your planning process based on your personality.
Today, I am writing the blog post I personally need to read. I’m currently oscillating between several new ideas about what I want to do next personally and professionally and at any given time in the day, I could have a totally different idea than the hour before. Oh my! Have you been there? Here are some tips to help.
Even if you are a chronic over-thinker, these strategies can help you overcome analysis paralysis inshaAllah.
Time blocks are super helpful with managing a homeschooling + a work-from-home routine. Try it out and see my example in the post.
When we don’t evaluate our choices, we miss out on key opportunities to change course and create better patterns. Learn 5 highly effective strategies for hitting the reset button when you need one (and how to know when you need one!).
When your mornings feel out of control, it’s a perfect time to audit your evening and follow these steps to create a healthier rhythm. It’s never too late to refresh how you begin your day!
Learn a simple model for thinking ahead about your plans and putting them in perspective using the 3x model.