5 essential workflows for creative businesses

If you’ve every wondered what goes into the back-end of a creative business like Momentora, this post for you! When I first began my planner business in 2017, I spent the majority of my time working through 7 key stages, which I outline in my Launching & Productivity Blueprint Video Course:

  1. Ideation

  2. Research + Design

  3. Manufacturing, Legal, and Logistics

  4. Costs + Margins

  5. Marketing

  6. Outreach

  7. Stocking, Giving Back, and Final Sales

  8. Evaluation + Reflection

Several of the phases overlapped as I was on a major time crunch to produce the planner in time for the new year. Producing the planner a second time around involved many of the same stages but I had to focus a lot more on re-marketing efforts as I had changed the overall design and function of the planner quite a bit from my first batch.

As my sales progressed, I wanted to offer more variations of planning kits for people who were looking to get organized but perhaps needed a specific planning tool for different needs such as homeschooling, pregnancy planning, goals and projects, and running a creative business. These kits, as well as E-Books turned out to be a helpful source of passive income to cushion my overall operating costs.

To continue reaching people who needed my tools, I had to figure out a way to generate more leads so I could continue offering digital services well into the future. This is where my digital workflows and creative business planner come in!

I created a system to help me organize five essential areas from a general concept to specific outlines and processes, which I consider “Deep Work”– i.e.: the work that gets me closer to my overall goal in 5 years, without getting distracted.

No. 1 – Branding + The Big Idea

This workflow helps with getting crystal clear on the overall vision, goals, and targets for creating a sustainable creative business. It helps you identify your key offers, profit goals, and the kinds of tasks you’ll need to make time for to see the results you’ve envisioned.

No. 2 – Email Newsletters

As most creators know, social platforms can be helpful but nothing beats a solid, engaged email list with a high conversion rate. It’s a great way to build rapport with those who are interested in what you have to offer.

The email workflow helps you nail down your newsletter goals and schedule alongside a process for outlining the elements to include in each one. It ends with a guide for assessing your growth and conversions over time.

    No. 3 – Blog Posts

    Even though I’ve been in the blogging world for well over 10 years, I use my writing in different ways depending on the purpose. My blog posts in this space are meant for a creative Muslimah audience, with an extra focus on motherhood.

    I try to offer the highest value in my content along with extras and supplemental guides that help me build my ideal community. Each blog has a very specific set of criteria I use to make sure it is ready for publishing.

    The workflow for blog posts is essential because it helps you categorize your blog ideas, brainstorm incentives, and grow your email list every single day! I really wouldn’t have much of an email list without my blog.

    No. 4 – Social

    Instagram, Facebook and other social platforms can be effective depending on how much you share and your overall purpose. As an introvert, I have seasons when I use it as a creative outlet and other times when I much prefer to be off of the space. My social workflow is designed to bring more intention into your Instagram strategy and areas to consider when sharing and posting your content.

    No. 5 – Webinars

    I currently have 5 webinars scheduled in rotation which I’ve used for sharing content I’m passionate about with my community. Webinars are an excellent source to generate leads for ideal members for your signature offer, or anything you hope to offer in the future. The workflow for webinars gives you a clear outline for the exact process to help you reach an evergreen model for your ultimate offer.

    It’s okay if you are still working on your main big idea alongside offering webinars, because these are the mini-offers that will help you build your community, confidence, and share your expertise.

    If this post has your gears turning and you’re feeling a rush of excitement to get your idea on to paper, you can start right now!

    The sample workflow for the first section in the Creative Business Planner is available now and I guarantee it’ll bring you the clarity you’ve been looking for to visualize your big idea.

      Ready to jump into ALL the workflows?
      << Get the full planner right here >>

      Invest in your idea and I pray Allah (swa) facilitates your journey as you do the work to see it all come together inshaAllah.

      Till next time,


      Naming your season


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