Why I’m sharing my entire product journey blueprint


When I first started Momentora in 2016, I was just beginning my motherhood journey and all of a sudden I felt a creative spark that was dormant within me for many months prior. My story isn’t all that unique since so many mothers find an amazing gift or purpose during motherhood as well! It’s incredible how many gifts Allah (swa) blesses us with when we least expect it! The entire process of starting up my own side hustle / personal business was a mixture of fast-paced learning, a lot of determination to see it through, and putting my trust in Allah for the end-result.

Now, 3 years later, I decided I wanted to capture my experience from my first leg in the journey to share with other creative muslimahs’ starting theirs. Our current climate is also quite unpredictable and many people want to share a skill, product, or service and I think there is no better time to start sharing your gifts! I’ve talked with many friends who have brilliant ideas but the challenges of time management, productivity strategies, and just knowing the process can feel overwhelming. Ultimately, rizq is from Allah and we all put our sincere efforts forward towards a cause or mission and the value we share can be helpful to people near and far.

When you see the systematic progression of the steps I took, you’ll be able to visualize your own process for your niche and take on one step at a time with less overwhelm. The key thing to remember is the work can’t be replaced. You simply have to put in the work and bi’ithnillah (with Allah’s permission), you will see the results.

The steps I go through in the PDF guide for the course include:

1. Ideation 

2. Research + Design

3. Manufacturing, Legal, and Logistics

4. Costs + Margins

5. Marketing

6. Outreach

7. Stocking, Giving Back, and Final Sales

8. Evaluation + Reflection

Every project I have ever started and completed started with the ideation phase where I brainstorm all the A-Z steps I can think of to get me from brainstorming about the idea …. all the way till the end result. These steps help me structure and outline the process by breaking up the project into smaller chunks. I slowly make my way through each step and add on any additional steps that come up.

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Having an outline also helps so you can go back and make changes or share your journey step-by-step at a later time. Your knowledge and experiences have weight. And by simply sharing your own path, you can increase your impact and help more people with their personal visions.

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